Physics, asked by AkshithaZayn, 1 year ago

<> Explain theory of Relativity.

<> Proof for Theory of Relativity

Thanks! ^_^


Answered by Suryavardhan1

✔Einstein's theory of relativity explains that the space-time around Earth will not be only deformed but also twisted by the rotation of the planets.

✔In this theory, Einstein has determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers.

▶▶He proved that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same and does not matter the speed at which an observer moves.
Answered by fanbruhh


Theory of relativity.

In the year 1929 a famous mathematician and physicist named Albert Eisenstein gave a theory which shows relation between time and motion.

yes i am talking about special theory of relativity.

actually theory of relativity is divided in two parts

1. special theory of relativity


2. general theory of relativity.

✔special theory of relativity is based on the time and motion.

there are two frame of references.

1. inertial frame of reference


2. inertial frame of reference.

in inertial frame of reference we talk about when body is moving with constant velocity.


in non inertial frame of reference we talk about unconstant velocity.

in the special theory it is used that the time and motion are relative.

and there is a postulate that

✳ Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light that is.
299692458m/s and universe is limited at this speed so if a object moves near the speed of light then the time slows down for that object in order to maintain that speed.


Theory of general relativity.

✔ after giving special relativity Einstein was not satisfied and wanted to know about how gravitational force can affect time.

so he gave general theory of relativity.

in this we talk about the gravitational force.
space time curvature
fabric of cosmos and many more thing

in this Einstein showed that how gravitational force affect the time and also showed that the planets revolve around the sun because of the curve in space time.


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