Biology, asked by anjalikunwar47, 3 months ago

lt is an imaging test that uses a special dye that has radioactive tracers. These tracers help to measure blood flow, oxygen use and glucose absorption. This test is commonly used to detect cancer, heart diseases and brain disorders. Quite an expensive test. Find and answer me​


Answered by adhithyavinay


What is a brain PET scan?

A brain positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that allows doctors to see how your brain is functioning.

The scan captures images of the activity of the brain after radioactive “tracers” have been absorbed into the bloodstream. These tracers are “attached” to compounds like glucose (sugar). Glucose is the principal fuel of the brain.

Active areas of the brain will be utilizing glucose at a higher rate than inactive areas. When highlighted under a PET scanner, it allows doctors to see how the brain is working and helps them detect any abnormalities.

It’s typically an outpatient procedure. This means you’ll be able to go about your day after the test is complete.

Why is a brain PET scan performed?

The test accurately details the size, shape, and function of the brain.

Unlike other scans, a brain PET scan allows doctors a view of not only the structure of the brain, but how it’s functioning as well.

This allows doctors to:

check for cancer

determine if cancer has spread to the brain

diagnose dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease

differentiate between Parkinson’s disease and other conditions

prepare for epilepsy surgery

Your doctor may have you undergo a brain PET scan regularly if you’re undergoing treatment for brain disorders. This can help them monitor the success of your treatment.

How to prepare for a brain PET scan

Your doctor will provide you with complete instructions to help you prepare for your brain PET scan.

Alert your doctor to any medications you may be taking, whether they’re prescription, over the counter, or even nutritional supplements.

You may be instructed not to eat anything for up to eight hours before your procedure. You will be able to drink water.

Tell your doctor if you’re pregnant or believe you could be pregnant. The test might be unsafe for your fetus.

You should also tell your doctor about any medical conditions you may have. For example, people with diabetes will likely be given special instructions for the test. Fasting beforehand could negatively affect their blood sugar levels.

Immediately before the test, you may be asked to change into a hospital gown and remove all of your jewelry.

Of course, you want to plan your day around your appointment as well.

How a brain PET scan is performed

You’ll be brought into the procedure room and seated in a chair. A technician will insert an intravenous catheter (IV) into your arm. A special dye with radioactive tracers will be injected into your veins through this IV.

Your body needs time to absorb the tracers as blood flows through the brain, so you’ll wait before the scan begins. This typically takes about an hour.

Next, you’ll undergo the scan. This involves lying on a narrow table attached to the PET machine, which looks like a giant toilet paper roll. The table glides slowly and smoothly into the machine so the scan can be completed.

The scans record brain activity as it’s happening. These can be recorded as video or as still images. The tracers are concentrated in areas of increased blood flow.

When the desired images are stored in the computer, you’ll exit the machine. The test is then complete.

Following up after a brain PET scan

It’s a good idea to drink plenty of fluids after the test to help flush the tracers out of your system. Generally all tracers are out of your body after two days.

 Meanwhile, a specialist trained in reading PET scans will interpret the images and share the information with your doctor. Your doctor will then go over the results at a follow-up appointment.



The information provided for all radioisotopes includes:

— Isotope;

— Half-life;

— Nuclear reactions;

— Excitation function;

— Bibliography.

In addition to the above, the more detailed information for the isotopes

shown in bold in Table 2.1 includes:

— Uses;

— Decay mode;

— Thick target (TT) yield;

— Target materials;

— Target preparation;

— Target processing;

— Enriched materials recovery;

— Specifications.

The cross-sections have been taken from IAEA-TECDOC-1211,

Charged Particle Cross-section Database for Medical Radioisotope

Production: Diagnostic Radioisotopes and Monitor Reactions, and from the

IAEA or from US National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) databases.

BASILE, D., et al., Excitation functions and production of arsenic radioisotopes for

environmental toxicology and biomedical purposes, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 32 (1981)


DMITRIEV, P.P., MOLIN, G.A., The yields of As-73 and As-74 in nuclear reactions

with protons, deuterons and alpha particles, Sov. At. Energy (Engl. Transl.) 41 (1976)



function of Ge(p, xnyp) reactions and production of 68Ge, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 34

(1983) 1531–1535.

KOVÁCS, Z., BLESSING, G., QAIM, S.M., STÖCKLIN, G., Production of 75Br via the 76Se(p, 2n)75Br reaction at a compact cyclotron, Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 36 (1985)


request; please make my ans brainly

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