Physics, asked by heythere49, 1 year ago

<marquee direction="up" behavior="alternate" style="height:100px">Hello</marquee> prove the how of conservation of energy


Answered by Anonymous
Law of conservation of energy states that the energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another.

Let us now prove that the above law holds good in the case of a freely falling body.

Let a body of mass 'm' placed at a height 'h' above the ground, start falling down from rest.

In this case we have to show that the total energy (potential energy + kinetic energy) of the body A, B and C remains constant i.e, potential energy is completely transformed into kinetic energy.

Body of mass m placed at a height h

At A,

Potential energy = mgh

Kinetic energy = 0 [the velocity is zero as the object is initially at


Total energy at A = Potential energy + Kinetic energy.

Total energy at A = mgh …1

At B,

Potential energy = mgh

= mg(h - x) [Height from the ground is (h-x)]

Potential energy = mgh - mgx

Kinetic energy = ½ mv2

The body covers the distance x with a velocity v. We make use of the third equation of motion to obtain velocity of the body.

Here, u=0, a=g and s=x

Kinetic energy = mgx

Total energy at B = Potential energy + Kinetic energy

Total energy at B = mgh …2

At C,

Potential energy = m x g x 0

Potential energy = 0

Kinetic energy = ½ mv2

The freely falling body has covered the distance h.

Here, u=0, a=g and s=h

Kinetic energy = ½ mv2

Kinetic energy = mgh

Total energy at C = Potential energy + Kinetic energy

Total energy at C = mgh …3

It is clear from equations 1, 2 and 3 that the total energy of the body remains constant at every point. Thus, we conclude that law of conservation of energy holds good in the case of a freely falling body.

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