English, asked by nighetahir, 3 months ago

Lucky charm descriptive essay


Answered by anilbhai6966


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Answered by Jha28utkarsh

Lucky charm is an object or person that brings in good luck to the owner. They expect to benefit the owner monetarily or emotionally and sometimes both ways.  Lucky charms sometime acts as confidence booster. Though they don’t have real supernatural powers but they do make the owner feel happy and better.  Choosing a lucky charm may seem to be silly to some. But they may have lasting effects merely by putting one in a more confident and happy state of mind


A souvenir, a toy from childhood, a dress, a plant, a hat, a jewellery piece or some coin, the genre of lucky charm is not restricted. They vary from person to person and from object to object. Sometimes lucky charm follows within family legacy. While other time they are individual`s personal choice.  

If someone is creative enough they may design a lucky charm for themselves. Usually an object associated with person`s professional life considered as lucky charm. May be it’s because we attach our good luck with money we earn over the period of time.


Relying on lucky charm alone is superstition, no doubt. But lucky charm do works at time really. Luck and morale booster are sometimes synonymous but in disguise.  These objects bear the self-efficacy giving the owner the belief that we`re capable of doing what we set out for.

The confidence gets enhanced with luck and lucky charm sometimes at least. The mental and physical performance gets groomed up with kinship of lucky charm.   Few professions demand more reliance on luck. Other depends on the efforts and hardships given in for the accomplishments of set goals.


The onus of one’s failure in life is on bad luck. And to curb the failure of fate one acquires different objects to bring in good luck. Everyone in real life to reel life have trust in positivity flowing from lucky objects.

Be it film stars or politicians or general common person, everyone has faced failure. during such need they have to rush to experts for suggestions.

Such suggestions usually comes in  shape of bracelets, stones or some other Jewellery pieces which acts as luck enhancer and brings back success.


“I have no lucky charm. I am 100 percent superstition-free, and I take nothing for granted.” is the quote from Jeff Bridges.

And this quote explains my point of view in respect of luck charms pretty well too. I am a non-believer in non-living objects bringing in good luck.

Living objects, I know does bring in positive aura in their surroundings. The simple fundamental behind my firm belief is that it’s only the mind sets and the school of thoughts which brings in good luck and bad luck.  

The power of positivity is so strong that it may negate all the need of lucky charm. If one is consistent in their efforts with an affirmative approach the success is bound to follow, sooner or later.  

In addition to positive attitude one needs blessings from god. His blessings are the most valuable possession for any human being. They have super healing effect on every aspect of life.

It’s the god who determines the destiny of every living being according to their karma. Luck follows destiny and man themselves are writer of their destiny. So directly or indirectly man earns their luck.  

When one longs to see the face of their beloved, it’s because they consider them to be their lucky charm. Anything which brings in solace and joy in life are lucky charm according to me.

Life is full of adversities and bad lucks. But it’s the company of our near and dear ones which gives us strength to fight back every odd in life.  

I believe that non-living things doesn’t own that much of power which may change someone`s destiny. All mighty alone has the ability to make over ones’ destiny.

The one and the only lucky charm, which has ability to change the course of action, is GOD. In invisible mode HE is always present besides HIS each and every child.

Loving someone and being loved by someone whole heartedly is the best lucky charm. Because loving and sharing are the purest virtues created by God.

Loves always bring luck if it’s selfless and flawless. The facet of love may be many but the pre-requisite and ultimate result is happiness.  

Every human emotion is lucky charm only if it doesn’t involve any negative trait. One may be maker of one’s own destiny as very less people are born with silver spoon in mouth. To sum up my ideology  

“Luck is not a magical ability or a gift from the gods.  

Instead, it is a way of thinking and behaving.”  

Truthfully, anyone may earn their luck but with determination and efforts and not relying on few physical objects.  

Make today– and your tomorrows– serendipitous!

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