English, asked by sahapriya6040, 2 months ago

M.M 30Q1. ATTEMPT ANY ONE OF THE GIVEN LETTERSYou are Garima/Gaurang. You aspire to be a doctor and are interested in joining a tuitionclass that will prepare you for the entrance examination. You find the followingadvertisement in the newspaper. Complete the following letter seeking more informationabout the institute and coaching facilities offered by filling in the blanks using the cluesgiven.(5)Looking for a Career in Medicine?Career Makers offer Correspondence Courses for:Pre - Medical Entrance TestsAdmissions to the 1-year course open up to 30 AprilAll requests to be accompanied by Class X mark sheetFor Brilliant SuccessContact:Career Makers4, Defence Colony.South Delhi​


Answered by 1hardik12singh

Refer to Attachment answer G.

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