M make a sentence for the following homophones 1. Break - Brake
Here you have some examples of sentences with homophone words: Brake/break Use the brake to stop the car. The dish did not break when it was dropped. Buy/by I will buy a book at the store.
brake, break. The words brake, break sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Why do brake, break sound the same even though they are completely different words? The answer is simple: brake, break are homophones of the English language.
The main meaning of break as a verb means to hit forcefully causing an object to divide into parts.. The girl breaks windows often by hitting baseballs into them. The main meaning of brake, either as a noun or verb, refers to bring a vehicle to a stop.
The homophone for brake is break. Make sure you check out our complete homophones list.
Break and brake sound similar but both words have a different meanings. These types of words are called homophones.
Words that sound exactly the same in the English language are called homophones. These words sound similar, but when they are spoken, they are spelled differently and have different meanings. One of the examples is break and brake. Here is the difference between break and brake with the meaning and example.
A break is a word that is used both as a verb or a noun, and it has different meanings. Break means to separate into parts or to interrupt something.
1. I am sorry; I did not mean to break your heart by saying these harsh words.
2. Can you break the chocolate into two halves so that we both can have some?
The word brake is used as a form of a noun or a verb. In both cases, brake is a word that is used with a vehicle. Talking in reference to nouns then brake refers to the part of a vehicle that causes it to slow down. As a verb, brake is the act of slowing down the vehicle.
1. Put the brake on the highway road.
2. My friend had to brake his car suddenly when the little girl rode her cycle in front of our car.