Science, asked by nimbargi59gmailcom, 2 months ago

M.R.G.Shikshan Pratisthan’s
M.R.Ganiger International Public School
Tq:Bagalkot) Neeralkeri-587 111 (Dist:Bagalkot
(Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi vide Affiliation No. 830607)
1. Lightning occurs when the
a) Charged clouds move away from the ground
b) Charged clouds come in contact with the ground
c) Excess positive charge get discharged from clouds to the ground
d) Excess negative charges get discharged from the clouds to the ground.
2. Three statements regarding the precautions to be taken during lightning strikes:
I avoid bathing during a lightning strike
II avoid the use of electrical appliances
III Avoid sitting inside a car. Among the given statements
a)Only I is correct b) only III is correct
c) Both I and II are correct d) Both II and III are correct
3.Tanvir uses his sense of touch while reading. He takes the help of a non-optical
device. Which of the following devices does Tanvir use for reading?
a) contact lens b) Braille system c) Audio cassette d) magnifying lens
4.A ray is reflected from a plane surface . It makes an angle of 200 with the reflecting
surface, then what is the angle of incidence?
a) 400 b) 700
c) 1200 d) 1400
5.Which one of the following disease occurs due to water pollution?
a) Cholera b) typhoid c) Jaundice d) All the above
6.Which of the following gasses is primarily responsible for the global warming?
a) Hydrogen dioxide b) carbon dioxide c) Sulphur dioxide d) helium
7.The layer of atmosphere which absorbs the ultraviolet rays coming from sun is
a) Exosphere b) Mesosphere c) thermosphere d) ozone layer
8.Which o the following statements regarding thermoplastics and thermosetting
plastics is incorrect?
a) Bakelite is a thermoplastic b) PVC is an example of thermoplastics.
c) Thermoplastics can be moulded again and again
d) Thermosetting plastics cannot be moulded again and again.
SECTION –B 2x5=10
9. What are synthetic materials? Name any two
10. A lady went to the market to buy a blanket. The shopkeeper showed her blankets
made of acrylic fibers as well as made of wool. She preferred to buy an acrylic
blanket. Can you guess why?
11. What is earthquake? Is it possible to predict the occurrence of an earthquake?
12. complete the given ray diagram.

13. Write the difference between real image and virtual image.
SECTION-C 3x4=12
14. Write the preventive measures to be taken, when you are inside and outside the
house while earthquake.
15. Draw the ray diagram of image formation in plane mirror and write any two
16. Write any two causative reasons for water and air pollution.
17. What is polymerization? Write any four uses of Nylon.
SECTION-D 5x2=10
18.a) Write the laws of reflection of light.
b) What is dispersion of light?
c) Write the properties of light.
19. a)Write the characteristics of plastic.
b) Write the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.
c) Write any two manmade fibers.​


Answered by pragna82


ans b


and c


ans a


ans c


ans a


ans b


ans c


and d

I don't know the other questions sorry

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