Chemistry, asked by srinivasraddy91, 1 year ago

tamed, trained and domesticated
ad meat for food! How well do you know camed, caned an
Which animal, of the Bubalus genus, was tamed way back in the Harappan
There are records of it being traded by the Meluhhas with Mesopotamian cities
hundred of which domesticated animal trained for battle did Chandragupta Maurya By
to his father-in-law, Greek general Seleucus Nicator? lepont...
3. A variety of which animal, bred in Marwar (Rajasthan) for warfare, was
called Nachni' due to its natural ability to dance?
4. In which district has the Jammu and Kashmir state government set
up a breeding station to conserve the gene pool of
hardy Zanskar horse?
5. If the single humped camel is called dromedary
what do we call its double bumped cousin,
found in central Asia and parts of Ladakh?
6. Which animal, a domesticated version of the gaur
shares its name with a popular 1980s Hindi filmstar famous
for his disco dancing skills?
7. In which Indian state were ponies with stamina bred for use in
war as well as the game of sagolkangjes, which developed into
modern polo?
8. Which species, whose scientific name is Bos grunniens, can
live very easily in the high Himalayas because it has larger
than average lungs?​


Answered by rinapalkar3


1 time par 1 question plz !!!!!

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