Hindi, asked by pnamrata524, 2 months ago

मैं झिझक उठा, हुआ बेचैन-सा,
लाल होकर आँख भी दुखने लगी।
मूंठ देने लोग कपड़े की लगे,
ऐंठ बेचारी दबे पाँव भागी।
(क) इस पद्यांश की कविता एवं कवि का नाम लिखिए
(ख) कवि क्यों बेचैन हो उठे?
(ग) लोगों ने उनकी किस प्रकार सहायता की?
(घ) कवि की ऐंठ का क्या हश्र हुआ?
(ङ) बेचैन का विपरीतार्थक शब्द लिखिए।​


Answered by Duline

Plz Mark Me Brainliest!


Meaning to this question

I hesitated, became restless,

The eye also started becoming red.

People used to give clothes to lumps,

The poor thing ran away.

(A) Write the poem of this verse and the name of the poet

(B) Why did the poet get restless?

(C) How did people help them?

(D) What happened to the poet's soul?

(4) Write antonyms for restless.


{B}Because he was restless{ In Hindi-क्योंकि वह बेचैन था}

{C}Gave him clothes{ In Hindi-उसे कपड़े दिए}

{D}Calm, Peaceful{ In Hindi-क्लैम, शांतिपूर्ण}

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