English, asked by scientist331, 6 months ago

में मिलता है, हाँ या ना में नहीं। जैसे-
b) Wh-question: Wh-words or Interrogative words
15 what, when, where how, why, who-etc. Per a
1 Change of Persons
equestions को wh-questions कहते हैं। ऐसे प्रश्नों का जायाय शब्दों या मापा
Direct speech # Indirect speed Inverted
commasta & Rich Persons (first second and thund
Q. What is your name?
person) रहते हैं, ये 5ON के समानुसार बदल जाता है।
A. My name is Mr. A K Thakur,
Q. How many days are there in a week?
A. There are seven days in a week.
Note: Interrogative sentence a question mark (2)
उपरोक्त सूत्र का SON-formula भी कहा जाता है।
3. Imperative Sentence
The sentence which expresses order advice request,
command etc
यह sentence जिससे आज्ञा, सलाह, प्रार्थना, आदि का बोध होता है,
Imperative sentence कहलाता है। इस वाक्य में subject you' हमेशा
छिपा रहता है। जैसे-
Bring a glass of water.
Stand up
1 = first person
2 = second person
3- third persen
Sit down
Affirmative imperative sentence
Help the poor.
Don't bring a glass of water.
Don't stand up.
Don't sit down.
Negative imperative sentence
Don't help the poor.
4. Optative Sentence
The sentence which expresses wish or desire.
वह sentence जिससे इच्छा का बोध होता है, optative sentence
कहलाता है। जैसे-
May you live long!
May God bless you!
May God save the king!
Note : (i) 7: optative sentence May' È RTÉ ETG EI
इसके अंत में exdamation marks (!) लगा रहता है।
(ii) कभी-कभी May का प्रयोग नहीं रहता है। अर्थात् 'May understood
रहता है।
5. Exclamatory Sentence
The Sentence which expresses some sudden feelings of
mind as-Joy, sorrow, surprise, suspicion, hate, applause,
wonder ...etc.
दह sentence जिससे मानसिक भावनाओं जैसे-सुख, दुःख, आश्चर्य, संदेह,
घृणा, प्रशंसा, आशा आदि का बोध होता है, exclamatory sentence कहलाता
है। इसके अंत में exclamation marks (1) लगा रहता है। जैसे-
He said, "Alas! I am ruined."
The players said, "Hurrah ! the cup is ours.
He said, "What a nice film it is!"
He said, "What a horrible song
उपरोक्त sentence के भेदों को अब आप पहचान गए होंगे यह मुझे पूर्ण
विश्वास है।
अंग्रेजी में Direct speech से Indirect speech में बदलने के
दो नियम है।
1.General rules (साधारण नियम) : ऐसे rules (नियम) जो सभी तरह
के वाक्यों में लागू होते हैं general rules कहलाते हैं।
General rules को तीन भागों में बाँटा जा सकता है-
1. Change of persons
2. Change of tenses
3. Change of other parts of speech
5 = Reporting verb to subject
O = Reporting verb object
N= No change
Rule (1): Reported speech a subject first person (1)
we) TT, JE Reporting verb subjede number, person
तथा case के मुताबिक बदल जाता है। जैसे-
He said to me, "I am ready
He told me that he was ready.
Rule (2): zf Reported speech & subject second person
(you) a I Reporting verb & object Number person
तथा case के मुतायिक बदल जाता है। जैसे-
He said to me, "You are late."
He told me that I was late.
Note : (i) za Reported speech at subject second person
5541 Reporting verb an object 751 EUR Reported
speech second person to subject in Indirect speech first or
third person के subject में जानुसार बदल दिया जाता है, ताकि Duect
speech का अर्थ Indirect speech में सुस्पष्ट हो जाय। जैसे-
Sweta said, "vou teach my sister
Sweta said that I/he taught her sister
case Indirect speech Reporting verb first or
third person में से किसी object का प्रयोग स्वेच्छानुसार कर सकते हैं, जिस
person आप second person के subject को बदलना चाहते हैं।
घ्यान रखने की बात यह है Directspeech का अर्थ Inditect speech
में सरलता से स्पष्ट हो जाय । जैसे-
Sweta told him that he taught her sister. Indirect .
Sweta told me that I taught her sister Indirat
(ii) atc Reported speech a subject second person and
Reporting verb est object a Car ST Ja Reporting verb
To subject first person T Reported speech & secund
person subject Indirect speech # Third persent Subject
में बदलना चाहिए।
अन्य forms (objective or posessive) में भी इसी प्रकार परिवर्तन
होता है। जैसे-
I said, "You are laborious"
I told him that he was laborious
I told her that she was laborious. Indimet
Rule (3): 47: Reported speech = subject third person
हो. तो Indirect speech में इसमें कोई परिवर्तन नही होता है। जैसे-
You said, "She wrote a letter.
You said that she had written a letter Indiety


Answered by Kissie25


what is this............???

Answered by Anonymous


Thankyou for your thanks.......

what's your real name dear

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