Hindi, asked by deadlyheadshotgaming, 1 day ago

मान लीजिए आपके पड़ोस में रहने वाला बच्चा जो आपकी ही आयु का  है पर बोलते समय कभी-कभी हकलाता है। आप उसके साथ कैसा व्यवहार करेंगे ? विस्तार पूर्वक लिखिए।   Don't spam otherwise I will report. correct answer will be liked and followed​


Answered by darkkrishnandud212


question 18, Laura found that the box is a little big to keep inside the locker. She realised the fact that a cubical box will exactly fit inside the locker. Find the smallest number by which 9000 must be divided so that the dimensions of the box form a perfect cube.

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