मुद्दे– एक गािकरी – तीर्वयात्रेिा जाणे– स्वतः जिळचे
दामगने व्यापाऱ्याजिळ ठे िणे – परत आि् यािर
व्यापाऱ्याकिू न नकार – “ दामगनेउंदरांनी खाि् िे “-
गािकऱ्यानेसािकाराच्या िुिािा िपिणे –“
फु िपाखरांनी नेिे “ – व्यापाऱ्यानेचूक कबूि करणे.
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Meaning of democratic in English
based on the principles of democracy:
We must accept the results of a democratic election (= an election in which all people can vote).
Do you think Australia is a more democratic country than Britain?
More examples
The 1990s have seen a shift to democratic government in Eastern Europe.
The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.
These will be the first truly democratic elections in the country's history.
How can there be democratic elections without a free press?
We must do more to smooth the country's path to democratic reform.
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