English, asked by roshankarki3881, 3 months ago

macbeth is a murderer with a conscience


Answered by anushree92004


Humans have free will, and this free will give us the right to choose between good and evil. In the play Macbeth by Shakespeare, Macbeth and his wife plot the murder of King Duncan, so that they can become rulers over Scotland. ... Macbeths' conscience has the power to destroy his conscience when he commits the murder.

Answered by aasthapramodsingh26


Humans have free will, and this free will give us the right to choose between good and evil. In the play Macbeth by Shakespeare, Macbeth and his wife plot the murder of King Duncan, so that they can become rulers over Scotland. ... Macbeths' conscience has the power to destroy his conscience when he commits the murder.

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