Machines have, in fact, become the salves of modern life. They do more and more work that human beings do not want to do themselves. Think for a moment of the extent to which machines do work for you. You wake, perhaps, to the hoot of a siren by a machine in a neighboring factory. You wash in water brought to you by the aid of machinery, heated by machinery and placed in basins for your convenience by a machine. You eat your breakfast quickly cooked for you by machinery, go to school in machines made for saving leg labour. And if you are lucky to be in a very modern school, you enjoy cinema where a machine teaches you or you listen to lessons broadcast by one of the most wonderful machines. So dependent has man become on machines that a certain writer imagines a time when machines will have acquired a will of their own and become the master of men, doomed once more to slavery.
Mehines have, in iitct, becone the slaves olmodem life. They do more and move rvo i rhat
humd bei.Cs do not wanr 1o do rhedselves. Tlinh for a nromenr ol the exGnt to which in&hloes do
work for you. You wrke, te aps,tothebootofasiEnbyamachineinaneishbounnglacffy You
wah in water bmughr to you by the lid ol nrlchinery, heatcd by nacbinery nd pl&ed nr baln lbr
tout conve. ience You eat your bealddt quickl y cooked for you by Dacbi nery, so to schoo I nl
machinery made lor saving you. hbour. And il ]ou are lucly to be in a very moden $hool, you
enjoy cinma uhee ! mlchine le4hes you or you lislen to lessons broldclst by one of the nost
wonderlul hachines. So dependenl has nm becone on nachines thal . \vnler inasines a
tihe when m&hines will have becone the naster ofman, doomed once more to s