English, asked by Priyax05, 1 year ago

"Maddie's silence only approved Peggy's behaviour. She was equally guilty of hurting
Wanda." Justify the statement with reference to the story Hundred Dresses.(100-150


Answered by oksabeena

hey hope this answer helped

this is my point of view


Maddie was indeed bothered by peggy questioning  wanda on asking how many dress hats this that you have. maddie silently agreed because maddie herself was poor and did not own much dress she usually wore somebodys hand made down clothes. she as thankful that she did not have live up on boggins heights or have funny name like wanda. peggy was most pretty and famous girl in the school  and she have so many dress everyone wants to be peggys friend so if she ask peggy to stop bothering wanda she thought it would effect their friendship also what if peggy asked same question to her. maddie will have to say it is peggys old dress which maddies mother disguise with new trimming by maddies mother so that no one in room thirteen and peggy would notice or recognise it. maddie wasnt poor as wanda but then to she was poor. but later on after wanda left the school maddie realized what she did was bad she should have asked peggy to stop doing it. she should not have silently approved to peggys cruelty. beacuse maddie was afraid of peggy, Maddie's silence only approved Peggy's behavior but She was equally guilty of hurting wanda.

thank u .

have a great day

Answered by diyayuvarekha2005


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