made music sweet and gay figure of speech with explanation
This poem is written by Walter de la Mare. It has a dreamy quality. The poet talks about Tartary
(an imaginary state). He says that if he was the Lord of Tartary, he would have a bed of ivory and a
throne made of sheets of gold. He would also have proud peacocks showing of in his court. There would
be tigers in his forests and great fishes in his pool whose fins would tilt at the sun. He says that if he was
he Lord of Tartary trumpeters would call him for every meal of the day, and blow their trumpets in his
courtyard. In the evening yellow and red lamps would shine. Sweet and gay music would be played by
musical instruments like the harp, the flute and the mandolin. The poet further says that if he were the
Lord of Tartary, he would have a beautiful robe of beads, white, gold and green in color string together
like seeds. Early morning, before the morning star could disappear he would wear his robe and carry his
sword. His carriage would be drawn by seven zebras through the dark woods of Tartary. Lastly, the poet
sees himself as the Lord of all the fruits of Tartary, of her silver rivers, her hills, woods and valleys.
Tartary would have shining stars, scented breeze, trembling lakes and there would be citron trees
growing in the purple valleys attracting delighted birds.