Magnetic field lines are closed curves. Justify.
The direction of field lines outside a magnet is from north pole to South Pole while it is from South to North inside the magnet and thus this is how magnetic field lines forms closed curves.
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Magnetic field lines are closed curved .
Magnetic materials from magnets in pair of poles north and south. So a magnet always has N and S poles connected together physically.
North pole repels a unit North pole and attracts a unit south pole. Magnetic field line is the curved line in the plane of the magnet, which is traced by a unit north pole due to its magnetic force.If the unit north pole moved very very slow under equilibrium at each point then the magnetic field lines are traced.
In between North and south pole ,the unit test north pole moves away from North pole and towards South pole in a smooth curve due to repulsing and attraction force . The net force is always positive and never zero.Thus there is no break or null point in the curve.
The magnetic field lines give the direction of results magnetic field lines do not intersect as then it means that there are two direction for the magnetic field at that point. Since the resultant magnetic field is a vector, has a positive magnitude at all locations, south pole always attract unit north pole,the lines end at south pole at the end.