Physics, asked by nidhigautam57, 1 year ago

Magnetic field of earth is 0.3 gauss. A magnet
oscillating with rate of 5 oscillation/min. How much
the magnetic field of earth is increased, so the
number of oscillations become 10 per min
11) 0.36 (2) 0.6G (3) 0.9G (4) 1.2G
plz reply​


Answered by aristocles


The magnetic field must be 1.2 G


As we know that torque on the bar magnet due to external magnetic field is given as

\tau = \vec M \times \vec B

\tau = MB sin\theta

now for small oscillations

I\alpha = - MB\theta

\alpha = -\frac{MB}{I} \theta

so angular frequency is given as

\omega = \sqrt{\frac{MB}{I}}

so here we can say that in order to increase the frequency of oscillation of the magnet we need to increase magnetic field

here if oscillation frequency is doubled then magnetic field must increase by 4 times

so we will have

B = 4(0.3 G) = 1.2 G


Topic : Magnetic oscillations

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