Hindi, asked by shehnaaz07, 6 months ago

महंगाई के कारण ?
reasons for mahengai ?
in 150 words
don't want irrelevant answer otherwise I will report

PeeyushVerma: hi


Answered by PeeyushVerma


There are many Reasons for increasing the cost of things:- .

i.One of the major reason is the demand of things has increased and the supply is less due to this cost of the things had been increased.

ii.The another reason is the increasing the population or in other words Exploination...

III The other factor is our nation is not have proper tools or materials to produce the things easily this also led to hyperinflation make the things costly.

iv.The fourth is due to pouplation exploitation the demand of resources has been increased so it also the major reason for the hyperinflation of things.

hope it will help you dear

shehnaaz07: I wanted in hindi
shehnaaz07: pleased
PeeyushVerma: hindi me puchhna Chahhiye tha apko to phir
PeeyushVerma: sara question hindi me likhte to
Answered by lakshaysoni01279473


महंगाई का कारण काला बाजारी

महंगाई का कारण काला बाजारीवस्तुो की मांग बढने और निर्माण कम होने के कारण भी महंगाई बढ रही है। काला बाजारी भी एक कारण है क्योकि निर्मित वस्तुओं को कम मात्रा मे बाजार मे भेजा जाता है जिसके चलते उसका दाम बढ जाता है। हमारे देश मे महंगाई और दाम बढाने के लिए काम करने वाली संस्थाए ज्यादा सक्रिय नही है।

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