Social Sciences, asked by azeez87, 11 months ago

Mahatma gandhi and freedom struggle short note on role


Answered by vinay1232367

Mahatma Gandhi was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on
2nd October at Porbandar located in Gujarat. He went off to
South Africa after marriage and worked as barrister there for
twenty years. In South Africa, he had his first brush with
apartheid. Once while he was traveling in a train, he was
thrown out of the first class compartment despite having a
ticket. This made him swear that he would do his best to erase
apartheid from the face of his world. He went back to India
only to find that his own country was being ruled by the
British and his fellow citizens were being treated harshly by
the British.
Some of the major movements and freedom struggles led by
him are discussed below.
Non Co-operation Movement
One of the first series of non-violent protests nationwide was
the non-cooperation movement started by Mahatma Gandhi.
This movement officially started the Gandhian era in India. In
this freedom struggle, the non-cooperation movement was
basically aimed at making the Indians aware of the fact that
the British government can be opposed and if done actively, it
will keep a check on them. Thus, educational institutions were
boycotted, foreign goods were boycotted, and people let go off
their nominated seats in government institutions. Though the
movement failed, Indians awakened to the concept of going
against the British.
Civil Disobedience Movement
Gandhi again took off with another nonviolent movement
known as the civil disobedience movement. This movement
was more active than the non-cooperation movement and
brought about a revolution of sorts. This movement aimed at
bringing the British administration to a stop by withdrawing
support from everything. There was agitation against land
revenue, abolition of salt tax, cutting down military
expenditure, levying duty on foreign cloth, etc. A very
important movement was that of Salt Satyagraha where
Gandhi undertook the Dandi march as a protest against the
Salt tax.
Quit India Movement
The Quit India Movement was launched under the leadership
of Mahatma Gandhi in August 1942. The main aim for
launching this movement was to bring the British to negotiate
with the Indian leaders. It was a call for immediate
independence of India and the slogan of "Do or Die" was
adopted for the same. However the leaders were arrested soon
after Gandhi's speech and were put in jail by British officials.
Gandhi went on a fast for 21 days demanding the release of
the leaders despite his failing health. The British had to secure
the release of the leaders.
India Independence
After the Quit India Movement the freedom struggle got even
more intense and passionate. Entire India was united together
in the movement for freedom. Everyone contributed what they
could in the freedom struggle. The cry of Purna Swaraj or
complete independence was raised. After much sacrifices and
efforts, India gained its independence on the 15th August,
British colonization of India began in the second half of the
18th century when the English East India Company took
control of Bengal and gradually expanded its territory to other
parts of India. In 1858 the British Government replaced the
role of the East India Company and became the 'Paramount'
ruler of India. It was not until 1947 that India regained its
independence - ending nearly 200 years of British rule
During the First World War, the Allies had declared that the
War was being fought in defence of democracy and the right
of nations to self-determination. But after their victory they
showed little willingness to end colonial rule. While the
British Government made half-hearted attempt at
constitutional reform, it also made it clear that it had no
intention to part with political power. Instead of democratic
progress had come further restrictions of civil liberties. The
Rowlatt Act came like a sudden blow. Unrest spread in the
country and a powerful agitation against the Act arose. During
Answered by amrata4853
The way he gave shape and character to India's freedom struggle is worthy of a standing ovation .
Mahatma Gandhi played a pivotal role in the Indian freedom struggle . His nonviolent way and peaceful methods were the foundation for gaining independence
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