main point six sentance about Western tragopan state bird of Himachal pradesh pls rply fast
Answer: The third State Wildlife Board meeting in 2007 decided to crown western tragopan (tragopan melanocephalus), locally known as jujurana, as the state bird of Himachal Pradesh dethroning monal from its exalted position. But monal (lophophorus impygenus), another beautiful bird, remains the State Bird of Uttarakhand and the national bird of Nepal.
It is called danphe in Nepal. The beauty and charm of jujurana is reflected in a painting of the bird done by DG Elliot in 1872 (See photo). Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915) was curator of zoology in The Field Museum at Chicago and was one of the founders of the American Ornithologists’ Union. He had immense wealth and this enabled him to produce a series of bird books illustrated by magnificent colour plates, including his own excellent works. Jujurana meaning ‘King of Birds’ is called pyara in Kinnaur, jyazi in Bushahr and fulgar in Chamba and Kangra districts.