Main proponents of dialectic method
Based mainly on Aristotle, the first medieval philosopher to work on dialectics was Boethius (480–524). After him, many scholastic philosophers also made use of dialectics in their works, such as Abelard, William of Sherwood, Garlandus Compotista, Walter Burley, Roger Swyneshed, William of Ockham, and Thomas Aquinas
Dialectic method or dialectics are method of argument where two or more ideas contradicts each other yet they are real and true at the same time.
it is a form of argument between two or more people have two different views which oppose each other but both the views are apparently correct.
G.W.F. Hegel used this method to negotiate the contradictions which was later adopted by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which they applied it to social and economic processes.
According to Engel , the dialectic method is being reduced to three laws-
- the laws of the transformation of quantity into quality
- the interpenetration of opposites
- the negation of the negation.