maintain two solution in which skimming and scanning as reading method are necessary.
Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. While skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning helps you locate a particular fact. Skimming is like snorkeling, and scanning is more like pearl diving.
Use skimming in previewing (reading before you read), reviewing (reading after you read), determining the main idea from a long selection you don't wish to read, or when trying to find source material for a research paper.
Use scanning in research to find particular facts, to study fact-heavy topics, and to answer questions requiring factual support.
Scanning is the process of looking for certain information in a text using a specific method. Scanning is a method of triggering and extracting important data and concepts, such as names, numbers, and precise facts. Scanning entails rapidly moving your eyes down the page, detecting specific words and phrases in order to locate a specific solution or absorb the primary idea. You can also use it to see if a new resource will be able to answer your inquiries. This activity will most likely take 5-10 minutes.
The objective of Scanning is:
1. Using a dictionary or index to look up a word
2. To look up a phone number or location in a phone book.
The other method of speed reading is skimming. Skimming is the process of skimming through a text to get a general understanding of what it's about. For example, if you want to read an intriguing story in the newspaper but don't have time to read more than one, you'll skim through the majority of it to figure out which one you want to read. Skimming can also help you save a lot of time if you know how to skim a text well. The fundamental goal of skimming is to grasp the key idea and notion. It's most effective when used with nonfiction.
The objective of Skimming is:
1. To look at what's going on in the news on a website or in a newspaper
2. To skim through a text to determine whether or not you want to read it.