English, asked by LostInJordan, 5 months ago

Maintaining the tie of kinship is : (1 Point) a. Voluntary worship act b. An obligatory duty c. A permitted behavior d. A desirable behavior


Answered by itzyourdeathgirl

Absolute poverty The condition of having too little income to buy the necessities-- food, shelter, clothing, health care.

Achieved status A social position (status) obtained through an individual's own talents and efforts.

Affirmative action The requirement that employers make special efforts to recruits hire and promote qualified members of previously excluded groups including women and minorities.

Aggregate A collection of unrelated people who do not know one another but who may occupy a common space--for example, a crowd of people crossing a city street.

Agrarian societies Societies in which large scale cultivation using plows and draft animals is the primary means of subsistence.

Answered by yuvraaj51



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