major difference between tribal and non tribals
National Policy of Education (1986 and revised Policy in 1992) suggested the following
programmes for education of tribal people.
I. Opening primary schools in Tribal Areas
II. Need to develop curricula of their language
III. Promoting schedule tribes youth to work as teachers.
IV. Ashram schools, Residential schools should be established in large scale in Tribal areas.
V. Incentives to encourage their life style through education.
To promote education in tribals two types of problems are there. Internal problems like
school system, content, curricula, medium, pedagogy, academic supervision etc., and external
problems like education policy, planning, implementation and administration etc are
influencing education in tribal areas.
The sample of the research study included tribal and non-tribal adolescent (male/female)
students of 9th class in Government schools of Anantnag and Kupwara Districts of Kashmir
India, during the academic year of 2013-14. The investigator visited the educational
institutions of district Anantnag and Kupwara and collected the data through stratified
random sampling technique. The total number of 564 students was selected out of which 286
adolescents belonged to tribal and 278 belonged to non-tribal communities. The sample was
collected by using stratified random sampling technique. The academic achievement in this
research study was percentage of final annual marks. In order to analyze the data in the light
of the objectives and hypotheses framed for this study the mean, SD and independent samples
t-tests, were applied