Geography, asked by Kigili8983, 1 year ago

Major rivers of asia continent their origin


Answered by agrawalkshama67
ganga river , brahmputra river, indus river which is located in india
yangtze river located in china
lena river which flow into the arctic ocean located in russia.
ob river which is located in western siberia, russia.
Answered by TheParadiseEscort

Major Rivers of Asia

With their lengths and countriesː

  1. Yangtze-Kiang → 6300km → China
  2. Yellow River → 5464km → China
  3. Mekonɡ River → 4350km → China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam
  4. Lena → 4294km → Russia
  5. Brahmaputra → 3848km → China, India and Banɡladesh
  6. Ob → 3700km → Russia
  7. Yenisey → 3487km → Russia
  8. Salween → 3289km → China, Myanmar and Thailand
  9. Indus → 3180km → China, India and Pakistan
  10. Amur → 2824km → Russia and China
  11. Euphrates → 2800km → Turkey, Syria and Iraq
  12. Amu‐Darya → 2620km → Afɡhanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
  13. Ganga → 2525km → India and Banɡladesh
  14. Pearl river → 2400km → China
  15. Syr-Darya → 2256km → Kyrɡyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan
  16. Irrawaddy → 2210km → Myanmar
  17. Kolyma → 2130km → Russia
  18. Tiɡris → 1900km → Turkey, Syria and Iraq

Some Facts

  • Indus, Brahmaputra and Ganga makes the three important major rivers in the Indian subcontinent.
  • Ganga is the longest river in India with having it's source( Gangotri glacier )in Uttarakhand whereas Godavari is the India's longest river that flowing within the country.
  • Yangtze-kiang is the longest river in Asia continent and the third longest river in the world and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country.
  • India has got it's name from Indus river.
  • Ganga ranks 3rd in the world in terms of discharge of cubic volume annually with a drainage area of 1,731,334km² and an average discharge of 38,129m³/s.
  • Indus river makes the world's most ancient civilizations known as Harappan civilization or Indus valley civilization.
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