World Languages, asked by kizarah1981, 8 hours ago

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Answered by adhyanshukla78


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286 Polynomial Functions

3.4 Complex Zeros and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

In Section 3.3, we were focused on finding the real zeros of a polynomial function. In this section, we

expand our horizons and look for the non-real zeros as well. Consider the polynomial p(x) = x

2 + 1.

The zeros of p are the solutions to x

2 + 1 = 0, or x

2 = −1. This equation has no real solutions, but

you may recall from Intermediate Algebra that we can formally extract the square roots of both

sides to get x = ±

−1. The quantity √

−1 is usually re-labeled i, the so-called imaginary unit.


The number i, while not a real number, plays along well with real numbers, and acts very much

like any other radical expression. For instance, 3(2i) = 6i, 7i − 3i = 4i, (2 − 7i) + (3 + 4i) = 5 − 3i,

and so forth. The key properties which distinguish i from the real numbers are listed below.

Definition 3.4. The imaginary unit i satisfies the two following properties

1. i

2 = −1

2. If c is a real number with c ≥ 0 then √

−c = i


Property 1 in Definition 3.4 establishes that i does act as a square root2 of −1, and property 2

establishes what we mean by the ‘principal square root’ of a negative real number. In property

2, it is important to remember the restriction on c. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to say

−4 = i

4 = i(2) = 2i. However, p

−(−4) 6= i

−4, otherwise, we’d get

2 = √

4 = p

−(−4) = i

−4 = i(2i) = 2i

2 = 2(−1) = −2,

which is unacceptable.3 We are now in the position to define the complex numbers.

Definition 3.5. A complex number is a number of the form a + bi, where a and b are real

numbers and i is the imaginary unit.

Complex numbers include things you’d normally expect, like 3 + 2i and 2

5 − i

3. However, don’t

forget that a or b could be zero, which means numbers like 3i and 6 are also complex numbers. In

other words, don’t forget that the complex numbers include the real numbers, so 0 and π −

21 are

both considered complex numbers.4 The arithmetic of complex numbers is as you would expect.

The only things you need to remember are the two properties in Definition 3.4. The next example

should help recall how these animals behave.

1Some Technical Mathematics textbooks label it ‘j’.

2Note the use of the indefinite article ‘a’. Whatever beast is chosen to be i, −i is the other square root of −1.

3We want to enlarge the number system so we can solve things like x

2 = −1, but not at the cost of the established

rules already set in place. For that reason, the general properties of radicals simply do not apply for even roots of

negative quantities.

4See the remarks in Section 1.1.1.

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