Make 5 subnets over the network ID, Show all required steps for the subnetting in your lab task. Also complete the following table:
The best way to demonstrate subnetting method is by using an example. For example we are given a network address with the default subnet mask of The requirement is to perform subnetting such that we create as many subnets as we can with 30 hosts in each subnet.
Our First step will be to determine how many bits do we need to borrow from the host portion such that the requirement of minimum 30 hosts per subnet is fulfilled. Using the formula below
2n -2,
Where the exponent n is equal to the number of bits left after subnet bits are borrowed.
we can calculate how many bits will be required so that each subnet has 30 host addresses. 25 -2 =30, so 5 bits atleast must be available for host addressing and the remaining can be borrowed to create subnet addresses. The -2 in the formula accounts for two addresses the subnetwork address and the broadcast address which cannot be assigned to hosts.
The network has 8 bits for host portion and we will reserve 5 bits for the new host portion, the 3 bits remaining can now be used for creating subnets. To determine how many subnets we can
create, use the following formula:
2n = number of subnets
where the exponent n is bits borrowed from the host portion.
Thus in this case we can create 23 =8 subnets
Our second step will be to calculate the new subnet mask, our previous subnet mask was or 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 in binary. Since we have borrowed 3 bits from the host portion our new subnet mask will be 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 which is when converted to decimal notation.
We have discussed in detail the conversion process of binary to decimal and vice versa. When performing IP subnetting we will refer to the picture shown below which is very handy in this process.