make a comparative analysis of the constitution of china with that of Mexico
The Chinese and the United States social, economic and political
systems are radically different. The same is true of their constitutions. China is a socialist country; the Chinese Constitution is of
the socialist type. The United States is a capitalist country; the
United States Constitution is of the capitalist type. Formerly,
some people asserted that different types of constitutions are incomparable with each other. Now, perhaps no one would maintain
such an attitude. Constitutions do not emerge in a vacuum.
Whether of a same type, of a same country, or even of different
periods of one country, constitutions are all offspring of certain
specific historical conditions.
We should not neglect the historical significance and the important role of capitalist constitutions; neither should we deny the historical ties between capitalist and socialist constitutions. Socialist
constitutions make use of those progressive elements of capitalist
democracy manifested in the constitutions, such as equality before
the law, people's sovereignty, and universal suffrage, and transform
them to serve socialism.