History, asked by gangmaster, 1 year ago

Make a comparative study on harappan an mesopotamian civilisation


Answered by eshansinha015
because of the extensive tradebetween the two civilizations that they developed similarly in many areas.In terms of religion, we know little about the Sumerian religion and even less about the Harappan religion. Wedo know that both civilizations were polytheistic. The Sumerians believed in many gods that were humanlikewith human emotions. They believed that the sun, moon and stars were gods and everything that happened wascontrolled by one of the gods. According to the Sumerian religion, humans were created to serve the gods, andthe gods controlled their destinies. Because they believed the gods controlled them, they sought ways todiscover what the gods held in store for them. By doing this they invented astrology that eventually led to theinvention of the lunar calendar. They also studied the inner organs of sacrificed animals to predict the future. Toworship their gods the Sumerians built the ziggurats, large temples, which are architectural wonders. One suchtemple is found in the ancient city of Ur where the moon god, Nanna, was said to have lived in a little house atthe top of the ziggurat. The lesser gods, who did not have enormous temples built for them, were idols andstatues, which were worshiped in homes. Since the Indus script has not been deciphered and apart from thebathhouse in Mohenjo-doro there are no religious structures there is very little evidence for the beliefs andpractices of the Harappans. What we know is from figurines and seals, many of which depict a horned goddess with the sacred pipal tree. This probably indicates the worship of a mother goddess who presided over fertility,You're reading a free preview. 

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