Make a
comparison of wildlife
found in Maharashatra &
First, is the ecological consideration. Throughout the United States few mammal species are in decline, an indication that proper laws, regulations, and policies have been effective in preventing the rampant overharvest of the largest and most desirable species (Pack et al. 2015). There is also growing concern over imperiled or vulnerable species as seen through proposed legislation H.R.4647 Recovering America's Wildlife Act (Fortenberry 2017). ...
... Non-consumptive users (e.g. birders, photographers, etc.) reap the benefits of this management but do not pay into this system as consumptive users do (Pack et al. 2015). Third, is the significance of land. ...
... While the North American model has produced significant ecological, financial and land protection success for hunting, fishing, and public access, in the US, there are still limitations to the model (Pack et al. 2015;King 2010; US Fish and Wildlife Service 2011). One of the most significant problems is the recent decrease in hunting and fishing participation. ...