Make a composition for Imagine you were stranded on an Island near the beach and you see a bottle with a letter in it the letter stated that you could ask for three wishes which would be fulfilled. write a composition narrating what happened when you made the three wishes.
Instead of panicking, start the following survival steps in order of priority.
Find a source of drinking water.
Find/build a shelter.
Build a fire.
Create rescue signals.
Find a source of food.
Create tools for catching food.
Fashion weapons for self defense.
Create a raft to leave the island.
What a blessing it would be to have the chance to have three wishes come true! The options seem limitless. Since it is normal to want one's own selfish desires to be fulfilled first, it would be challenging to concentrate on wishes that genuinely had value. But with this chance for contemplation, I think if I had the choice of three wishes, I would ask for world peace, a cancer cure, and and equal access to education.
These three things, in my opinion, would undoubtedly change the world. we inhabit and, as a result, contribute to making it a more fascinating and kind environment. Even if it is a huge request, world peace is undoubtedly the most important one.
My second wish is to find a cure for cancer, which is very important to me. I think my most self-centered request is this. Despite the fact that there are countless terrible diseases in the world, cancer has struck several members of my family.
Finally, I would like to see everyone in the globe have access to education. I'm fortunate and appreciative to have the chance to further my education. I'm going to use this education to change the world. This gift is not offered to too many kids in the world.
Then I could leave the world with the gift of world peace, a cancer cure, and education for all. What an amazing world that would be!