make a conversation between earth and plastic
Plastic - how are you Earth
Earth - I am not well because of you
Plastic - okay and its by human also
Earth - Yes u are correct
Plastic - okay
Profile is six pack body
Plastic pollution is any plastic that ends up in the environment – from bottles and bags to less obvious sources like teabags and clothes. In the past 100 years humans have produced (and used) a lot of plastic. It's cheap, strong, light and versatile, but all of it eventually ends up in the ground, in the air , and in the sea – which is where marine animals like albatross, dolphins and turtles ingest it. Our plastic waste has invaded the highest mountains and deepest oceans. No one knows exactly how long it will take to disappear, but it's at least hundreds of years. The total amount of plastic entering the marine environment is over 12m tonnes a year – according to a report by Eunomia in 2016. For comparison, a double-decker bus weighs about 12 tonnes. Sea creatures can get tangled in plastic or mistake it for food, and the effects are often fatal. Harmful chemicals linked to plastic have been found in species from plankton to dolphins.Plastic sticks around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins. Plastic also contributes to global warming. Almost all plastics are made from chemicals that come from the production of planet-warming fuels (gas, oil and even coal). Our reliance on plastic therefore prolongs our demand for these dirty fuels. Burning plastics in incinerators also releases climate-wrecking gases and toxic air pollution. Scientists have detected tiny plastics (smaller than 5mm) in salt, beer, seafood and human stools. These microplastics break off bigger plastic items, or come from products like car tyres and cosmetics. They even wash off synthetic clothes. Once they enter our rivers, soils and oceans, they can get into the food chain. As of yet, the impacts on our health are unknown. There are ways to avoid pointless plastics (keep scrolling for ideas below). But all our best efforts are in danger of being undermined. Businesses are set to churn out more plastics, making our reliance on them even harder to avoid. The best alternative to single-use plastic is something that you can use over and over again – or something that can be easily recycled or composted.