English, asked by jhonpauleslawan, 3 months ago

Make a draft of your research using one of the topics of your choice. Use these basics:

I. State in one sentence what you want to study on the topic.
II. State the purpose.
III. Write down or list the questions.
IV. Justify the importance of the subject.


Answered by pradeepkrverma


Bhai ji Google pa search Kar lia jia


Selecting a Topic

The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill. An instructor may assign you a specific topic, but most often instructors require you to select your own topic of interest. When deciding on a topic, there are a few things that you will need to do:

brainstorm for ideas

choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature

ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available

make a list of key words

be flexible

define your topic as a focused research question

research and read more about your topic

formulate a thesis statement

Be aware that selecting a good topic may not be easy. It must be narrow and focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to find adequate information. Before selecting your topic, make sure you know what your final project should look like. Each class or instructor will likely require a different format or style of research project.

Use the steps below to guide you through the process of selecting a research topic.

Step 1: Brainstorm for ideas

Choose a topic that interests you. Use the following questions to help generate topic ideas.

Do you have a strong opinion on a current social or political controversy

Did you read or see a news story recently that has piqued your interest or made you angry or anxious?

Do you have a personal issue, problem or interest that you would like to know more about?

Do you have a research paper due for a class this semester?

Is there an aspect of a class that you are interested in learning more about?

Look at some of the following topically oriented Web sites and research sites for ideas.

Are you interested in current events, government, politics or the social sciences?

Try Washington File

Are you interested in health or medicine?

Look in Healthfinder.gov, Health & Wellness Resource Center or the National Library of Medicine

Are you interested in the Humanities; art, literature, music?

Browse links from the National Endowment for the Humanities

For other subject areas try:

the Scout Report or the New York Times/ College Web site

Write down any key words or concepts that may be of interest to you. Could these terms help be used to form a more focused research topic?

Be aware of overused ideas when deciding a topic. You may wish to avoid topics such as, abortion, gun control, teen pregnancy, or suicide unless you feel you have a unique approach to the topic. Ask the instructor for ideas if you feel you are stuck or need additional guidance.

Step 2: Read General Background Information

Read a general encyclopedia article on the top two or three topics you are considering. Reading a broad summary enables you to get an overview of the topic and see how your idea relates to broader, narrower, and related issues. It also provides a great source for finding words commonly used to describe the topic. These keywords may be very useful to your later research. If you cant find an article on your topic, try using broader terms and ask for help from a librarian.

For example, the Encyclopedia Britannica Online (or the printed version of this encyclopedia, in Thompson Library's Reference Collection on Reference Table 1) may not have an article on Social and Political Implications of Jackie Robinsons Breaking of the Color Barrier in Major League Baseball but there will be articles on baseball history and on Jackie Robinson.

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