make a drama script on GLOBAL WARMING no fake answers please. correct answer will be Marked as BRAINLIEST and rewarded 30 points
Narration Scene (1)
Narrator 1:We all know what Global Warming is. It a leading cause that is making our Earth warmer & drier.
Narrator 2: Global Warming has increased the Earth’s temperature; it has changed the rainfall patterns. Raised the sea levels and melted the Arctic and Antarctic’s ice.
Narrator 1: According to what you say, global warming seems to be very dreadful!
Narrator 2: It indeed is.
Narrator 1: But how has India contributed to Global Warming.
Narrator 2: As 72% of India is occupied by rural areas; therefore first let us see how our countries’ farmers contribute to Global Warming.
Irrigation Scene (2)
Irri. Narr. 1: 3 environmentalists have just arrived from U.S.A. to India. They are studying Indian agricultural system. While studying, they notice some farmer burning something.
Environ. 1: Hey look, it looks like some farmers over there are doing something. (Talking to the other environmentalists)
Environ. 2: After all, this is the season to grow next crops.
Irri. Narr. 1: The environmentalists head towards the farmers who were doing something.
Indian F.: Hurry up workers! Its time to burn this fresh piece of land.
(2 workers keep working)
Environ. 3: What are you doing?
(The workers leave their work and come towards the environmentalists)
Indian F.: We our just burning this piece of land.
Environ. 1: Why are you burning this it?
Worker 1: As where we previously grew our crops now has become barren. That land is now not fit for growing crops.
Worker 2: And now to remove these trees, we are burning this.
Environ. 2: I know this is one of the Indian agricultural techniques. It is know as Slash and Burn Method of Cultivation.
Indian F.: Yes, you are correct.
Environ. 3: How can you do this? (Now facing the audience) This method contributes to global warming. You swipe out trees, which makes the oxygen content low. Moreover, you don’t just cut them, you burn them! This adds even more carbon monoxide to our environment.
Environ. 1: And by cutting the trees, you make the soil loose and by growing crops in it, you also make the soil infertile. Have you ever thought what has happened to the piece of land you were previously farming on? (Also facing the audience)
Irri. Narr.: Yes, the environmentalists are correct. Traditional Indian agricultural practices often contribute to the global warming. (Other two narrators start to come forward) The north-eastern states of India practice this kind of agricultural method.
Narrator 1: As this practice involves cutting of tress, temperatures rise due to which there are long summers, leading to droughts but most of the Indian farmers totally rely on rainfall for irrigational water.
Narrator 2: Due to high temperatures, there are late monsoons which cause heavy precipitation over a short period of time. These situations mostly lead to floods after droughts and it almost wipe the whole top layer of soil.
Narrator 1: I would not like to mention that these are the symptoms of global warming.
Narrator 2: But how urban cities of India contribute to Global warming?
Narrator 1: Let us find out.
Urban Scene (3)
Urban Narr.: Known let us see what is happening in Agra where three friends are talking.
Friend 1: What a hot environment. I must agree that the village we just passed during our way to Agra was much cooler and the air was their much fresh.
Friend 2: I totally agree with you. Here in Agra, such scorching winds are blowing and the air is suffocating me. Even though 72% area of India rural areas occupy, urban areas are much more polluted. By the way, where is out third friend?
Friend 3: I am here guys. I have just visited the famous Taj Mahal.
Friend 1: I remember it. It was a milk white monument when I saw it 10 years ago.
Friend 3: I agree that Taj Mahal is white but not milk white. It has a little ting of yellow.
Friend 2: I know the reason. (Urban narrator starts coming forward) I have somewhere heard that it is due to the acid rain.
Urban Narr.: Absolutely correct! (Other two narrators start to come forward) The sulphur dioxide which is emitted by the industries often mixes with the rain and forms acid rain. The acid rain is only responsible for the yellowing of Taj Mahal.
Narration Scene (4)
Narrator 3: It is very sad to say that due to us, the glory of India, Taj Mahal is loosing its luster.
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