make a feild/ container yellow back ground red ball inside it along with 4 button (2 green left right) and (2 red up and down) inborders . create 2 button on top left field the name start and game stop. click on game start then the ball move and then click on game stop so the ball moving will be stopped. click on left bottom the move toword left similarly click on right the ball move right . plz create the coding in html or JavaScript and send me that coding
To create an OMO website, I suggest that:
Understand HTML, CSS and JavaScript thoroughly.
Pick an authoring tool. Use Dreamweaver if you can afford. Otherwise, find a free HTML text editor (such as NotePad++, Sublime). For programmers, NetBeans/Eclipse are good choice for HTML/CSS/JavaScript as they perform syntax checking and provide auto-complete.
Design and organize your page. Decide on the look and feel of your website. How many columns? What are the major sections (e.g., header, navigation menu, main content, sidebar, table of content, footer)? Do you need a navigation menu or panel? What is your theme (colors, fonts)? And so on.
Take a close look at your favorite websites!!! CSS is humongous and complex! You can't invent this wheel! Use Firefox plugin "Firebug" (@ or the built-in "Web Developer Tools" to inspect HTML/CSS of your favorite websites.
Alternatively, you can use a CSS framework (I recommend BootStrap) to jump-start your design.
Start with an initial CSS design. Website design begins with CSS, NOT HTML?!. Work on your CSS:
Partition your web page into logical section via <div> (or HTML5
There are many good and free CSS templates (or web templates) available online (just google "CSS Templates" or "Web templates"). Pick one that meets your taste to model after. You can also look at the CSS of any website that you find interesting. Be aware of the Intellectual Property Right, do not use any images or graphics unless they are in the public domain. It is extremely easy to create one yourself with an imaging tool, such as PhotoShop, Element, Illustrator or even Paint.
Alternatively, use CSS framework such as BootStrap and pick your favorite design from the samples.
Write your HTML pages. You may need to modify the CSS as you go along. The most challenging thing for an OMO web author is that he has to be concerned about both the contents and appearances at the same time, and can lose focus at times!
Repeat the previous steps until you are happy with your page's look and feel, layout, and most importantly, the contents - try not to create yet another insignificant website.