make a file topic - role of women in the social development of the paired states (Assam and M.P)
The status of ladies in India has been liable to numerous extraordinary changes in the course of the last couple of decade The situation of Indian ladies in the public arena weakened amid this period. The ladies were very much treated and regarded, and held a high societal position in the Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and different states.
There is proof that growing lady's chances - especially The Role of Men in the Economic and Social Development of Women In the open circle, as heads of states and government clergymen, as pioneers of
In accessing the recognition in fields of education,household decision making power, financial autonomy, freedom of movement, exposure to media, political participation in the state of Assam and Madhya Pradesh women has worked really hard by obtaining from various sources.
The women their enjoy their role of development with quite inferiority as compared to other parts of India. Both the states have higher literacy rate of females which results in increasing rate of female participation in workforce.