make a list of 50 collective nouns
1.a bale of cotton
2.a basket of fruit
3.a batch of bread
4.a battery of guns
5.a bevy of ladies
6.a bevy of ladies
7.a block of flats
8.a board of directors
9.a body of men
10.a body of men
11.a book of notes
12.a bouquet of flowers
13.a bowl of rice
14.a bunch of crocks
15.a bunch of crocks
16.a bunch of keys
17.a bundle of sticks
18.a caravan of gypsies
19.a caravan of gypsies
20.A catalogue of prices
21.a catalogue of prices
22.a chest of drawers
23.A chest of drawers
24.a chest of drawers
25.a choir of singers
26.a fleet of ships
27.a forest of trees
28.a gaggle of geese
29.a galaxy of stars
30.a gang of prisoners
31.a group of dancers
32.a group of islands
33.a hail of bullets
34.a hand of bananas
35.a harvest of wheat
36.a haul of fish
37.a heap of rubbish
38.a hedge of bushes
39.a herd of cattle
40.a hive of bees
41.a horde of savages
42.a horde of savages
43.a host of angels
44.a library of books
45.a line of kings
46.a mob of rioters
47.a nest of mice
48.a pack of thieves
49.a pack of wolves
50.a party of friends