Make a list of given substances into two groups – magnetic and non¬magnetic.
☯ AnSwEr :
★ Magnetic substances : Magnetic substances are those substance which attract to the magnet i.e. iron. Magnetic substances can also be converted into a magent. To determine that whether the substance is magnetic or magnetic we will use a magnet and then we will put magnet near the substance if it attracts the substance then it is magnetic substance. Example : Iron, Nickle and cobalt
★ Non-Magnetic substances : Non-Magnetic substances are those substance which does not attract to the magnet. Non-Magnetic substances can't be converted into a magent. To determine that whether the substance is magnetic or magnetic we will use a magnet and then we will put magnet near the substance if it doesn't attracts the substance then it is Non-magnetic substance. Example : Wood, rubber and plastic.