Social Sciences, asked by mahfuj1473, 7 months ago

Make a list of language spoken ,dresses wear ,dance forms,religious places ,food ,festivals etc..


Answered by zm9009351



Indian Culture Report

India has one of the richest and most exciting cultural tradition in the world our culture goes back several thousands year. That is why ours is known as one of the oldest civilization in the world. India is a land of festivals. There is hardly any month of the year without any festival. Therefore the festivals also play an important in our life & they remains our culture evergreen similarly there are many states in our India, all having their own traditional dress& food also because of all this about India it has be said that India has unity in diversity. In this project will learn about the varieties of our India & I will try to attract you towards the Indian culture or a great culture.

Religions in India

India, being a secular country does not have any state religion. The state of India allows for freedom of faith, worship & religion. People of many different religions live in our country. They are free to follow & preach the religion of their choice. Among the major religion in India, Hinduism is the largest, followed by Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddism, Jainism & Zoroastrianism.                                                                                    


Hinduism is among the most ancient religions of India. The followers of Hinduism account for over 80% of India's total population. The holy books & scriptures of Hinduism include the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Bhagavad Gita & the epics like the Ramayana & the Mahabharata.

Hindus believe in one supreme God but they worship God in different avatars or forms. Hinduism has a rich & varied philosophy. They have been many well-known Hindu thinkers & reformers like Adi Shanker, Dayanand Saraswati, & Swami Vivekananda. They all have tried to teach us how to be better human beings.


The followers of Islam are known as Muslim. They are second largest religions community in India accounting for over 11% of her total population. Muslims believe in only one God of or Allah. Prophet Mohammad is believed to be the last & the greatest of the Prophets. He was born in 570 A.D in Mecca. He preached & spread Islam. The Koran is a holy book of the Muslims. The devout Muslim has five duties belief in one God; prayers five time a day; the giving of alms; a month’s fast every year; and a pilgrimage to Mecca atleast once in life time. The Muslims do not allow idol worship. Neither do they allow any picture of Allah.


Christians comprise about two & a half % of India’s population. Christianity was founded by Lord Jesus Christ. He was born at Bethlehem in Israel near two thousand year ago. Jesus taught the people the importance of peace, love & compassion. The teachings of Jesus Christ are contained in the holy book, Bible Christians worship in a Church. The symbol of a Church is cross signifies the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ.


The Sikhs constitute a little the 2% of India’s population. Sikhism, which emerged in the15th century, was founded by Guru Nanak Dev. Sikhism tried to bridge the gap between Hinduism & Islam. Guru Nanak Dev said that the God for Hindus & Muslims was the same. Sikhs worship in a Gurudwara. Their holy book is called the Guru Nanak Dev & the nine Guru who came after him.


Buddhism originated in India and its follower’s formless then 1% of India’s population. The founder of Buddhism was Lord Gautam Buddha. He was the son of an India, King. Who lived 2500 years ago. His childhood name Siddharatha. He gave up his princely life & went out for true knowledge. At last he become enlightened under the Bodhi tree in Gaya.  From that day he become known as the Buddha or the enlightened one. Buddha believed in non- violence. He thought that every human being must follow the middle path & adopt good behaviour & simple habits. Buddism spread to China, Sri  Lanka, Japan &many other countries in Asia.


The Jains form about half of a percent of India’s population Jainism was founded by Mahavira. He lived about 2,500 years ago. He preached Ahimsa, right conduct, right faith and tolerance. The followers of Jainism are strict vegetarians & do not hurt living things.


The followers of Zoroastrianism are called Parsis. Zoroastrianism was founded by the great Persian. Prophet Zoroaster or Zarathushtra. He preached that there is a continuous battle going on between the forces of good and evil. And in the end God always triumphs or wins over evils. The parsis worship in a fire Temple. The holy book of parsis is Zend Avesta.

Languages in India

There are as many as 1,652 languages & dialects spoken in different parts of India. It is said that in India a dialect changes every thirty or 40km.

The constitution of India recognizes 18 major languages they are: -

(1) Assamese                    (2) Bangla

(3) Gujrati                         (4) Hindi

(5) Kannada                     (6) Konkani

(7) Malayalam                  (8) Manipuri

(9) Marathi                       (10) Nepali

(11) Punjabi                      (12) Tamil

(13) Sindhi                        (14) Kasmiri

(15) Sanskrit                     (16) Oriya

(17) Telgu                         (18) Urdu

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