make a list of major for biodirversity conserve and substainable use
Measure to conserve biodiversity :
1) Genetic/species level measures :-
a) Species richness
b) Measures of species dissimilarity
c) Measures of relative abundance
2)Ecosystem/landscape level measures :-
a) Measures of ecosystems functions.
b) Measures of ecosystems services.
c) Measures of ecosystems properties.
(I hope this answer is useful to you....)
The project is assisting the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change in implementing this initiative. Its purpose is to assess the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services so that they can be taken into consideration and mainstreamed as factors in development planning and decision making.
The initiative focuses on three ecosystem types: forests, inland wetlands, and coastal and marine ecosystems. Besides gathering existing knowledge about the value of ecosystems, TEEB India Initiative carries out field-based primary assessments of biodiversity and ecosystems, with relevance for policy makers. This approach is oriented toward the stakeholders and should help identify desirable changes at all levels of decision making, including the local level.
A number of pilot case studies are being used to demonstrate the application of economic approaches in terms of improving policies and decision making. The outcomes of the initiative should develop the overall efficiency and targeting of conservation programmes implemented by the ministry.
India Business and Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI)
Businesses are major stakeholders in conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity. Once fully established, the India Business and Biodiversity Initiative will serve as a national platform for businesses and other stakeholders to pursue dialogue, share ideas and learn from each other. In doing so, it will promote the mainstreaming of sustainable biodiversity management into businesses. A key aspect of the project’s support involves capacity development, both for the member companies and for the Confederation of Indian Industry, which is hosting the initiative. This should help them incorporate biodiversity management into their operations.
In October 2012, the ministry, together with the project, released the ‘TEEB India: Initial Assessment and Scoping Report’ at the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad. The report presents current knowledge of the value of ecosystem services and biodiversity in the three ecosystems in India (forests, inland wetlands, coastal and marine ecosystems), and it recommends methods and approaches for the future. Twelve policy-relevant case studies of biodiversity and ecosystem values have since been commissioned.
A dialogue forum has been established involving Brazil, India and Germany, through which the three countries can share experiences and lessons learnt from their respective national TEEB initiatives. Two dialogue events have been held, in September 2013 and May 2014, in Germany and Brazil respectively. A proposed third TEEB dialogue is to be organised by India in 2015.
Since its launch, some 21 companies have so far joined the IBBI initiative. The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has endorsed IBBI in its function as the national initiative for business and biodiversity. The Initiative has joined the Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity established by the Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat.