English, asked by kanishkavellingiri03, 9 months ago

Make a list of your desires/aspirations. (You may use the list you have already made in the class). • For each desire, ask ‘why’. When you come up with an answer, ask ‘why’ again! Keep doing it to get to underlying thought. • Write the underlying need that you get (need for feeling or physical need for body).


Answered by maryamkincsem
  • Well, my desire is to earn a lot of money. Enough money that I can give 75% of it to help the poor.  

  • If I actually end up making a lot of money then I’ll make a few free schools and also will make homes for homeless people which will be run by them.  

  • There’s a lot of poverty in the world and a lot of people die because of a shortage of food and in winter they die because of the cold.  

  • So if I will make schools and homes for them it’ll help them to work in the homes like they will get cooking and cleaning jobs and they’ll get the pay that will help them to do something with their life.

  • Schools will help to teach homeless kids so that they can make better choices and earn good money as in this age people cannot get jobs without education so education is necessary to live a better life.
Answered by nakshatra95573



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