make a magic square using the nine numbers from 51000 to 59000
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Step-by-step explanation:
make a magic square using the nine numbers from 51000 to 59000
Using 9 numbers we will have 3 * 3 magic square
Simple magic square of 1 to 9 is
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
Sum of all columns , rows & diagonals = 15
Simply we will add 51000 in each number
so using 51001 to 51009 we will get
51008 51001 51006
51003 51005 51007
51004 51009 51002
Sum = 153015
Similarly we can get lot of magic squares
now adding 51001 in each number
51009 51002 51007
51004 51006 51008
51005 51010 51003
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