Make a mind map for the chapter Institutional Representation of Democracy
Elections are the process by which the citizens of a democracy select or choose their representatives. The elected representatives from different parts of the country meet in a body called the assembly or parliament.
Elections have to be held at regular intervals- some countries hold them every five years, while some hold them every four or six years.
General election: In India, elections are held once in five years. This is called the general election.
Bye election: Sometimes when a members of parliament or state legislature dies in office, or resigns, elections are held in his or her constituency before the completion of five year. This is called by election.
Mid- term election: If for certain reasons, the president, on the advice of the prime minister, dissolves the Lok Sabha or a state assembly, elections will be conducted ahead of five years. This is called a mid-term election.
Requirements for fair elections
All citizens should have only one vote and all votes should carry the same value.
If people have to vote, they should have choices.
Elections should be held regularly.
Elections should be conducted in an atmosphere free of fear or violence.