make a paper collage on Forest wealth causes of degradation and measures to conserve forest wealth
In regard to creating a collages, following in the required information which can be utilized.
The Causes of Forest Wealth Degradation
1- Harvesting of material known as timber. What happens is that during human activity, for the purpose of commercial logging. When the trees are removed that leads to the surrounding terrain of the concerned ground gets destroyed.
2-Sometimes the causes of forest wealth degradation is fire. When fires take place in forests that causes the loss of such forest wealth.
3-For the purpose of gathering fuel-wood, forest wealth gets degraded.
Measures taken to conserve forest Wealth
1- Put a control/limit on the amount of deforestation allowed. For example, clear cutting or selective cutting methods may be used.
2- Fire lanes can be made to control probable fires.
3-Spreading of chemicals may be done to control probable fires.
4-Afforestation( planting of more trees)
5-To cultivate the land again, a mechanism of farming such as jhoom farming may be used. This helps to cultivate the land and make it fertile again for future use.