make a poster of benifits of online teaching
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Nelson Mandela claimed that "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". And he was absolutely right. A good education is the thing, which costs much efforts and often much money, but the results of which can be astonishing.
The degree plays not such an important role here. The key element of the education is knowledge and sometimes it's really hard to get it.
Besides knowledge of some subjects, the education helps us to build our opinions and have our own points of view on different things. It doesn't only give us lessons, according to textbooks or the established programs, but provides us with the lessons of life.
Many educational establishments and teachers work at the ways of making this process of getting knowledge easier and facilitate learning.
Many programs, systems and approaches have already been created. In this article, we would like to discuss one of the elements of the modern education, used by many teachers.
It's the use of posters during the educational process. Lets' consider the advantages of using them in the education, how and where they can be used and how to use them effectively.
Advantages of using posters as a visual aid in the learning process are the following:
It's an effective way to catch and hold the attention of pupils or students as well as maintain their interest in the subject.
Posters can motivate students to learn a specific topic.
They can help learners to focus on a certain idea, fact, event or process.
They are convenient both for pupils and teachers as they help students to absorb the material faster.
Images are more “evocative” than words and can lay the foundation of a variety of associations.
65% of people worldwide find learning most effective when it is transmitted visually and a poster is one of the best ways to do that.
By having a poster in the classroom, you induce the students to constant learning, even if they just look around the classroom.
However, if you are a good teacher, you can't just take any illustration in the necessary theme and present it to your pupils. The success and the effectiveness of its usage depend upon the proper selection and correct utilization of this graphic element.
Here are some rules:
The specific educational aim must be always taken into account while choosing and using a certain visual element.
A good poster should have the following features:
simplicity (its message must be understood at a mere glimpse of it);
brevity (it needs to contain minimum of words, which are effectively presented);
appropriateness (the theme of the image should correspond to the subject matter);
attractiveness (it is necessary to capture the attention);
design and color (a poster should be appropriate in its size, design and color: it should contain bright colors, be rather large so that everyone can see it).

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