Make a poster on the topic OUR STRENGTH OUR UNITY
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hope this will help you...

Answer:10 Lines on Unity is Strength: We all would have learned about our Freedom Struggle Story from elders and teachers. The main teaching that helped all of us in our Freedom struggle is Unity. We could only able to achieve our freedom and won our fight against the Britishers with the help of unity. Unity is a power that lies within ourselves. One has to admit that being united helps in many ways and sometimes can do wonders. Unity is the biggest strength of people. Now we are going to provide some valuable information in the form of a set of 10 lines. We hope you will like it
Explanation:Unity is very important for any team or group
Only when we are united we can enjoy the taste of success
Unity is the essence of a group’s happiness
We should always remember “Unity is Strength”
unity means oneness or togetherness
You cannot break a heap of brick, but you can break a single brick
A family called a family only when the members live together
We celebrate all festival together
If we stand together we can fight with any problem
Unity shows us we should judge people on their religion