Science, asked by ashwaidubey2000, 11 months ago

Make a precis of the passage ziven
below about one-third of its length. Also giver
a suitable title:

A painter or eminence had once resolved to
finish a piece of art which should please the whole
world. When therefore he had drawn a picture m
which his utmost skul was exhansted it was ex-
posed in the public market place, which direc-
tion at the bottom for spectators. All came and in
general applauded, but each willing to show his
talent at criticism marked whatever he though im-
proper Al evening, when the painter came he was
mortified to find the whole picture one universal
blot-not a single stroke that had not the marks
of disapprobation, Not satisfied with this trial the
next day he resolved to try them in a different
manner and exposing his picture as before de-
sired that every spectator would mark those beau-
ties be approved of admired. The people com-
plied and the artist returning found his picture
covered with the marks of beauty, every stroke
that bad been yesterday condemned now received
the character of approbation. Well," cried the
painter, "I now find the best way to succeed is to
aim at satisfying the few"​


Answered by shruti3122


you want summary of this passage

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