Computer Science, asked by saivardhan3223, 3 months ago

Make a presentation on the topic - IT Applications and Its Enabled services


Answered by poyumjangnyopoyumjan


\huge\red{\mid{\underline{\overline{\mathcal{Good morning}}}}}

\mathcal{ presentation \: for \: it \: applications}


listen \: we \: can \: never \: make \: a \: ppt

 \: you \: can \: only \: make \: a \: ppt \: if \: you \: have

done \: \: \: a \: reasearch \: on \: that \: it \: company

we \: can \: only \: do \: a \: favour \: of \: helping

you \: in \: how \: to \: write

Answered by Mbappe007


Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services Sector

1. Vibrant Gujarat 2017 IT – ITeS Sector Profile

2. IT – ITeS India Scenario IT – ITeS India Scenario

3. 3 IT – ITeS Industry India Ahead Indian IT – ITeS Industry India’s IT industry amounts to 12.3% of the global market, largely due to exports India is the world’s largest sourcing destination, accounting for approximately 55% of the USD146 billion global sourcing market The sector ranks fourthin India’s total FDI share and accounts for approximately 37% of total Private Equity and Venture investments in the country In 2015, Indian IT-BPM market reached USD146.5 billionin revenues The IT-BPM sector in India expanded at a CAGR of15% over 2010–15, which is 3–4 times higher than the global IT-BPM growth, and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 9.5% to USD300 billion by 2020 The Indian information technology (IT) services industry continues to evolve rapidly, with companies providing services in newer digital technologies such as social, mobility, analytics and cloud (SMAC), and artificial intelligence. Supporting this is a maturing global offshore delivery model and cost optimisation measures undertaken byclients.

4. 4 Indian IT – ITeS Industry Facts & Figures Source: DIPP,; IBEF 1 USD = INR 65 Indirect Jobs in IT – BPM Sector in India Direct Employment in IT – BPM sector in India Contributionof IT Sector to India’s GDP 9.5% Technology based startups in India3100 10 mn. 1100 OperationalIT SEZs in India 99 India IT – ITeS Industry – 2020F USD 300 bn. 3.5 mn. 16,000 640 USD 12 bn. FDI in Computer Software & Hardware from 2000–15 ~ USD 20 bn. SMAC: Social, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud F: Forecast Mn. : Million Bn. : Billion Size of Indian e – commerce industry Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) of Indian firms Number of IT – BPM firms in India SMAC firms in India

5. 5 Indian IT Industry (USD Billion) 29 32 32 32 48 56 59 69 76 86 98 111 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 E Domestic Export • India’s technologyand BPM sector(including hardware) has generatedrevenues of USD 146.5 billion during FY15 compared to USD118 billion in FY14, implying a growth rate of 23.72 per cent • The contributionof the IT sectorto India’s GDP rose to approximately9.5per cent in FY15 from 1.2 per cent in FY98 Indian IT – ITeS Industry Increasing Revenues Sectorwise Break-Up by Revenues (FY15) Source: Nasscom 47% 18% 16% 9.5% 9% IT services BPM Software Products & Engg services e - Commerce Hardware

6. 6 33.5 39.9 43.9 52 55.5 14.1 15.9 17.8 20 23 11.4 13 14.1 14 20 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 IT Services BPM Software Products and Engineering Services Growth in export revenue (USD billion) 62% 28% 10% USA Europe RoW Indian IT – ITeS Industry Growing Exports India's exports by geography2014-15E • Total exports from the IT-BPM sector(including hardware) were estimatedto have been USD98.5 billion during FY15; exports rose at a CAGR of 13% during FY08–15 despite weak global economic growthscenario • Export of IT services has been the major contributor,accounting for56.35% of total IT exports (including hardware) during FY15 • BPM accountedfor 23.35% of totalIT exports during FY15

7. 7 Indian IT – ITeS Industry Promising Domestic Market Domestic IT/ITeS market - 2014-15E 39% 39% 12% 10% Hardware IT Services Software Products & Engg services ITeS - BPO 48 56 100 FY15 FY16 E FY20 F Domestic revenue from IT and BPM (USD billion) • India is jumping the technologymaturity curve and is already a well-established digital economywith  Over 75% of the populationmobile enabled,  278 million internet users (overtaking US)  USD 14 billion eCommerce market, • A further push in this directionis coming from the government’s DigitalIndia campaignwhich envisages a USD 20 billion investment • The domestic IT-BPM market is rapidly approaching the USD 50 billion mark, an annual growth of 14%

8. IT – ITeS India Value Proposition IT – ITS India Value Proposition

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