Make a program that will input a grade of student and determine whether the grade is passed or failed. Print the same, grade and remark of student. write its equivalent algorithm.
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mark = int(input ("Enter your m a r k: "))
if mark > 50:
print ("you are p a s s")
print (" Well done")
elif mark == 50:
print ("You are just p a s s focus on s t ud y")
print ( " you are f a i l")
Remarks: you can change the p a s s m a r k
Step 1: Start the program
Step 2: Get the input and store as mark
Step 3: If mark greater than and equal to fifty go to
step 5
step 4: if mark less than 50 give output as you f a i l
step 5: Give output as you are p a s s
step 6: Stop the program
Some words not allowed here so I gave spaces
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